Mental health issues in older adults are common and can significantly impact their well-being and quality of life.
Thanks to a new grant from Ohio MHAS, we're excited to offer Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training that helps attendees:
-Identify signs of mental health challenges
-Gain the skills to provide initial support
-Connect individuals to resources and support
Get started today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is my organization eligible to host a private class?
If your organization serves older adults or people with developmental disabilities, then you are eligible to hold a private training for your organization under this grant.
How long is the training?
The training is 8.5 hours long, to include 2 breaks and a 30-minute lunch. This can be done completely in-person, or you can opt to do 2 hours of online pre-work with 6.5 hours of class instruction. The class can also be split into 2 days.
Do I get a certification? Can I use this for CEUs?
Yes and yes! All participants completing this training will get a three-year certification from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Ohio Department of Aging providers are approved to receive 8 hours of CEUs.
How can the training be customized
for our organization?
If your organization chooses an 8.5-hour class, instructors will use the Older Adult curriculum that provides specialized content. We can work with your organization to provide local resources in addition to our resource app.
What is the maximize size for a class?
The National Council sets a limit of 30 learners per class but we can provide multiple classes in one day upon request.
This opportunity only runs through December 2025.
Email me today to get your agency on the calendar for training!
Contact Michelle Rolf
Project Lead
"Growing up, my grandfather was challenged with Bipolar Disorder. Unfortunately, little was known about it then. It was 'just how grandpa was'. When I went to college, I recognized my grandfather in the Bipolar Disorder description. Later in life, he was able to be diagnosed and get successful treatment. I am excited for the opportunity to train you in Mental Health First Aid and am hopeful that others will not have to wait as long to live mentally healthy lives because you can identify the signs and help others get help."
Our goal is to train at least one thousand people by December 31, 2025!